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Hey! I'm Stuart. I'm a South African born, Zimbabwe raised Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate, working in software development. Continue

Published Nov 17, 2017

Welcome to my.. err.. Blog? Website? I don't really know what it is just yet. In the coming weeks and months, I hope to convert my thoughts to words and rediscover the joy of writing by adding content to this domain. Continue


You can peruse the posts I've written below at your leisure - if you'd like to use any content I've written - please don't hesitate to get in touch! I'm sorry this is still a little clunky - the plan is to get there over time.

Surfing and coding, what do they have in common?

Nov 18, 2017

By Stuart Hadfield

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Surfing and coding, what do they have in common?

A strange comparison, you might think. And you'd be right. But extreme sports, and software development have more in common that you might realize. Read More